How Do I Advertise On The Radio?

Advertise On The Radio Easily

If you’ve been wondering to yourself, “How do I advertise on the radio?”, This article should help you answer that. It’s not a super complex proposition as long as you have someone by your side.  Best Radio Commercials can help you navigate the waters and do most of the legwork for your radio advertising campaign.

Who do you want to reach with your radio message?

First thing is first. When I work with a new client who wants to advertise on the radio, the first thing we need to do is identify the target audience. Once the target audience is established we can identify the stations they likely listen to. More than 95% of Americans listen to the radio on a daily basis; there is almost always a good radio station to reach the target customer you are going after.

Size and Scope of Radio Advertising Campaign

The overall budget determines the size and scope of a radio advertising campaign. The cost to air a radio commercial varies by station, time of day the ad plays, the number of airings and size of the audience that your radio ad is reaching. The more popular the station and time slot, the more expensive the radio ad space will be. These numbers vary dramatically by the market. Once a budges are established, we can explore what options exist to create frequent airplay with your target audience.

Creating A Great Radio Commercial

The best airtime slots with the most qualified of potential customers are worthless unless you have an effective radio ad. If you’re going to invest the money to advertise on the radio, shouldn’t your commercial sound good? Of course, it should! It shouldn’t just “sound good” though, your radio advertising campaign needs to emit a powerful message. This is where we work together to determine a strong offer. Then our radio production team creates a compelling script to review. Upon approval, it is professionally produced and delivered back.

Professional Production VS “Free” Radio Station Production

I can’t stress how important having a professional create your radio commercial outside of the radio station. Using a professional service like Best Radio Commercials gives you a one-up on the competition. (Who may have chosen to go the cheap route and have the radio station create their radio ad.) Your ad will have voices that are distinct to your brand, writing that is compelling, and production value will blow them away. They will likely have a message written by an intern and voiced by the night janitor because “he was around”.

Let me help you through the process of getting your radio ad created and on the air! Give me a call through the number at the top of the page, or fill out the form below!